supowski: November 2006



As everybody know, WTF is an abbreviation for 'What The Fuck...' or as we say whaaathaaaafaccck :)

Here are some translation to different languages.

Wasch ned pisda
Ceard sa diabhal
Hvad helvede
Gamw thn poutana mou
Ce pizda masi
Ce pula mea
Vad i helvete

And of course, the winner is: 'Čo do piči...'


Word of the jiff...

Dnes to nebude slovo okamihu ale veta okamihu... Pôvod má v mojej icq debate s kamarátom. Síce sme sa bavili o softwarey, ale myslím, že tá veta úplne super sedí na ženské.

ved to je to, je nieco dobre, ale robi to sprostosti, tak radsej pouzivas horsiu verziu ;)

Zábavne je na tom aj to, že práve na už spomínaneho kamaráta to vôbec neplatí. Ten 'používa' tu najlepšiu verziu akú pozná a úprimne mu to závidím :)


Ferienhaus auf der Rigi Scheidegg

I would like to have this one also as a regular house...



Concert of US3 was perfect. Again one concert with very good show and dancing all the night. And again it was sold out.

I was thinking about that if I should go there after my night and early morning story with wrong pizza. I wasn't ok at all, but after first song everyhing was fine. I forgot about my stomach and started to have a fun.

There is also one positive thing for all peoples that missed it. They will return next year :)


Cinematic Orchestra

Yesterday's concert was very good, but...

But half of the songs were from their new album that comes out in march. And being very subjective (cause yesterday I was the only one with this opinion), this new songs are shit. No jazz, no invention, bad singer, bad arrangements. Simply pop-music.

God bless they released three super albums till now.

RIP Cinematics


Report bug

Gmail has a new feature. You can report a bug with link in top right menu. This is very nice, but there is another point that I'm interesting in much more. Will competitors react on this in same way as they reacted on 'beta' bubble? 'Report bug' link on homepage as the brand of quality? :) Will see...


Vienna I

Trip to Vienna was really good. As you all have already seen Schoenbruen, ZOO and Rathaus and I don't have any photos from Picasso I'll start with Street-art from Vienna.


This week is also music week. At least for me, here is my evening program:
Monday - Ecstasy of St Theresa (Palac Akropolis)
Tuesday - Tha Alkaholiks aka The Liks (Roxy)
Wednesday - Cinematic Orchestra (Roxy)
Thursday - US3 (Lucerna Music Bar)
Friday - There are some good drums in Cross and Roxy.
Saturday - Sleeping (at my bed:)

The one I like most is Cinematic Orchestra so here is record of their concert:
Cinematic Orchestra live at Vancouver Jazz Fest in 2003


High Tatras

Look forward to some nicer photos from Vienna on sunday.

Arrested Development

As skalpel was not a great show but great listening, this time it was really great show and good listening.


Another press foto

Still don't have any foto from Arrested Development, so here is another Press Foto (1989). You all know it, but anyway. Here is a quiz question?

Where is it from?





Arrested Development

I don't know much about Arrested Development, so I woudn't write here anything. Only that I will enjoy it. As usual :)

Arrested Development - Africa's inside me

I've almost forgot. Monday in Abaton...


Ako vidno z fotky, nebola to žiadna super show. Skalpeláci sa v prítmí hrali so svojimi mašinkami a pre oči ponúkali veľmi dobrú projekciu. A pre uši zase velmi dobrú hudbu. Ako vždy každú skladbu rozobrali na drobné a zložili niekoľkokrát naspäť, vždy úplne ináč, vždy veľmi zaujímavo a vždy vynikajúco. A nakoniec pridali ochutnávku ich mixtapeových zručností, ktoré si poriadne užijeme na dnešnej Solid Steel night v Radosti. CUT :)


Acronyms II

Today some more informal acronyms.

JK - just kidding
LOL - laughing out loud
ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing

and of course also
WTF - what the fuck...

Or as we say: co do pici... :) Some more translations of WTF will follow next time.



Skalpel will play in Roxy on thursday.

The only text on their web page is 'Każda dostatecznie zaawansowana technologia Jest nieodróżnialna od Magii' from Arthur C. Clarke :) So I will not supply them and write here something. Just go to the concert and see why people all around the world started to buy old polish jazz records.

And of course one song at the end. It was really hard to choose one, so here is the last singel from first album.

Skalpel - Break In

Working Backwards

Many people link this in their blogs and I do so too, cause it's really good.


StreetArt from Prievidza

by ArtAttack



by Kleindesign


Carl's Bridge

Casto citam prispevky typu: 'Takyto pohlad mozete zazit, ked si rano privstanete...'. Mne sa to asi nemoze podarit, takze to zoberieme z opacnej strany :) Takyto pohlad mozete zazit, ked sa vam vecer nexe ist spat. Prazdny Karlov most. Uplne prazdny...

Pane Kolego

Nenavidim toto oslovenie na zaciatku majlu. Ak xe niekto dosiahnut, aby som na ten majl odpovedal velmi nasrane, pripadne neodpovedal vobec, je to skoro idealny sposob.

Samozrejme su ludia, ktori sa ma nezbavia ani keby ma oslovili 'Pani Kolegyne' :)